In-depth look at the algorithm and how to use it.

Discussion regarding the fascinating fractal nature of the markets.

Watch this video to see the benefits of utilising mathematics in analysing foreign exchange markets.

CEO Pieter-Francois Theron presents a compelling talk to the Eastern Cape Exporters’ club of South Africa / InfiniteEdge meeting in 2019.

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    CardinalNow does not guarantee 100% accuracy in its predictions. Foreign exchange price movements are uncertain future events, and accordingly, no perfect predictions can be made regarding the future state of any foreign exchange trends or prices. CardinalNow’s decision-making process is based on a rigorous mathematical and statistical model which is robust over a period of trading, and its predictions may not be correct with every trade. No representation is being made that any associated advice or training will guarantee profits, nor eliminate all losses from trading. The reader / user / company understands and agrees to undertake its own due diligence relating to transactions or business decisions.